What a great time I had making Mom chase me to try and get the clump of grass I had. Of course, she couldn’t catch me I am way to fast. It’s alright it disintegrated before I could get it in the house. Crisis averted, Mom. Em #em#emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier#thebellyoftheem
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Mom made me work for my cookie today. I had been asking for some time now for it and she just gave it to me. I held out and would not twirl for her though. I though for a minute she might decide I wasn’t getting it, but she came around. Ha ha she did the twirling. Em #em#emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier#thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com A girls night is always fun but things are so much more exciting when Dad is home. He has some rough housing to catch up on. Dad is going to try to catch me but we all know that won’t happen. Em #em#emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier#thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com It’s a girls night, Dad went to a ball game tonight. I have been trying to get Tori engaged but she is not interested in participating in the festivities. She will be missing out on some real fun. I am planning a bunny 🐰 hunt and cookies for later. Em #em#emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier#thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com I am totally worn out. Mom went away on a girls weekend leaving me in charge of everything, including Dad and Tori. I don’t know why I had to stay behind, I am a girl I would have fit in perfectly fine. I should be offended and upset at Mom, but I am just glad she is back and now she is in charge again. No one can take charge like Mom, not even me. Em #em#emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier#thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com I decided that the bows are better than the natural thing. Mom told me I looked like a beetle without my bow. That’s ridiculous, I don’t have six legs. When I told her that she said it was a different kind of Beetle. She said something about Ringo. I don’t even know what that means. Mom is strange. Em #em#emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier#thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com My cat, Tori, has been scared all day. We had some thunderstorms and she doesn’t like them. She has been uncharacteristicly hanging around Mom and I all day. She hasn’t even growled at me for picking on her. What a scardy cat. Em #em#emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier#thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com Mom and Dad spent the entire day working outside today. They cleaned, weeded and got the patio ready for summer. I had to stay inside all day they kept saying “safety first” Em. I would have helped if they would have allowed me out. Em #em#emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier#thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com My new room is all done now. The final item came today. Mom got this Lucidium play pen and added a office chair mat to the bottom to protect the carpet (in case I spill something, I guess), she also got me that great bean bag chair that she took a bunch of the stuffing out of so I could get into it easier (she is so silly, I could get into it easily. What does she thin I am just a little bitty thing or what?) and she wanted to get me a nice rug but couldn't find anything we liked so she got me this great furry blanket and put that over my heating pad. I now have plenty of area to play, sleep and even a spot to have a pee pad it I need it. I am a big girls and don't need that though. Mom detailed all the items on our web page with all the items she purchased if anyone is interested. Em #em#emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier#thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com Seriously Mom, did you really have to take a picture of me sleeping with my tongue out and my hair a total mess? I don’t feel good today and didn’t sleep well last night. I don’t need this right now. Em #em #emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier#thebellyoftheem
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AuthorMy name is Em, I am a gold-dust Yorkshire Terrier. I was born in May of 2016. Archives
April 2022
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