Look what Mom did to my room today. She made it smaller, she said it is ready for a Willow. I am not sure what a Willow is but she showed me this. I am not sure how I feel about this. I am Moms love bug and I don’t think there is room for Mom to have a Willow. She said she has enough love for both of us and I will still be her Love Bug. We shall see. Em #em#emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier#thebellyoftheem
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Just look at me, I have all the stink a girl could want. I am messy and I love it. Mom can’t do a think about it either. I have a pinched nerve in my neck and my doctor told Mom no stress or jarring. That means no bath. Life is good right now. I can roll in anything and Mom can’t touch me. She did try to clean my face after she saw this pic that Dad took but that is the extent of my hardship for now. I might have to play this out as long as I can. Em #em#emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier#thebellyoftheem
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AuthorMy name is Em, I am a gold-dust Yorkshire Terrier. I was born in May of 2016. Archives
April 2022
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