I want to say Happy New Year to all my friends and family. This New Year's eve has been overshadowed by a bath. So I say it is time to make my New Years resolution. Here it is, no more baths! That is it nothing more. Mom says I can't keep that one because I don't have any say in when I get a bath. I think I can hide from her and she won't find me. She doesn't know all my hiding spots (at least I don't think she does). What are you and your furbabies New Year's resolutions? Em #em #emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier #thebellyoftheem
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Mom said she had a bug yesterday. If she would have shown me where it was I would have gotten it for her. Since she didn't I kept a vigilant watch for it all day. I didn't see it but have to assume she took care of it herself. Em #em #emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier #thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com This is what Mom has done today. She said the tree was a match just waiting to light so she took it down. She and Dad perfected this technique a few years ago. She said that is prevents needles from being drug all over the house. Sorry, no pic of me today I stayed out of the way. I wasn't going to get near Mom doing that. Em #em #emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier #thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com He did it, he really came. Santa came last night while I was sleeping and left me all kinds of presents. He must be real sneaky because I didn't even here him come down the chimney. I haven't opened all of them yet, I am keeping some for later, you know when things get dull around here. Anyway, Merry Christmas I hope everyone got what they wanted this year. Em #em #emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier #thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com Mom and I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. We are ready for Santa, the tree is trimmed, the house is decorated, the presents wrapped, and the cookies are baked. I even have carrots for the reindeer. MerryChristmas Everyone!!!! Em #em #emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier #thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com Look at me, I talked Mom into putting one of my beds on her desk. This way I can make sure Tori isn't sneaking around. She will never know where I am now. I can see everything from here. I can also keep a better eye on Mom. I will now know what she is doing. I will have to rely on her to get me down when I am ready to play. I am sure she will though. Em #em #emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier #thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com I am so mad at Tori, my cat. I was doing some really good work by sitting and leaving my favorite food, cantaloupe. It is really hard to do with that special treat. While I was restraining myself she came swooping in to try to take it. Good thing Dad did not let her do that or I would have really taken her to task. In the end I got all the cantaloupe. Victory is mine. Em #em #emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier #thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com Mom took a lot of time putting a new bow and cleaning up my face today. Do you see a bow in my hair? He, he, he, I don't think so. I got that bow out in about 2 minutes. Mom says I should have a guitar and play in a band they way my hair looks now. Mom, if you are going to waste your time doing this then you should do it right. Em #em #emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier #thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com Today is Mom and Dad's wedding anniversary so I am being the best helper and helping to open the cards. Dad put one of my toys in the envelope just to see if I would help. Of course, I will help Dad. l love both my parents so much. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! Love, Em #em #emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier#thebellyoftheem
Don’t forget to sign up to get my posts in your in box. Go to my web site to sign up www.thebellyoftheem.com I did my best to hide and fight Mom today while she was "cleaning" me up. I really don't think I needed any cleaning. She gave me a trim as she said that Santa wouldn't stop here if I was looking good. She even put a Christmas bow complete with a candy cane in my hair. Well, Mom won the day as she got me all ready for Santa, so he better deliver the goods. Em #em #emyorkie #yorkies #yorkshireterrier#thebellyoftheem
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AuthorMy name is Em, I am a gold-dust Yorkshire Terrier. I was born in May of 2016. Archives
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